Honey Oats Bar

Favorite recipe of our Oatley chef Suci.

Suci Lo
Oatley chef

125g butter melted

1 ¼ cup oats

½ cup coconut

½ cup craisins (dried cranberries)

½ cup SRF

1/3 cup sugar

¾ tbsp Honey

¾ tbsp golden syrup


  1. Melt butter, golden syrup and honey in microwave
  2. Mix all dry ingredients including chopped craisins
  3. Mix wet ingredients into dry ingredients
  4. Press on a lined tray, about 1cm in thickness
  5. Bake at 160 degrees until golden brown
  6. Let sit to cool then cut

More Information about the author

Suci Lo
Oatley chef

‌Suci is the chef in our Oatley centre. She holds a Certificate 3 in Commercial Cookery.

More Information about the author

Suci Lo
Oatley chef

‌Suci is the chef in our Oatley centre. She holds a Certificate 3 in Commercial Cookery.